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It’s Friday! But even those two smile-inducing words just don’t do it for a lot of people who are suffering from depression and its related disorders including anxiety and stress. Some of us have been battling at least one of those conditions for decades *including me.
I was fascinated from the moment I heard that scientists were looking toward psychedelics to treat PTSD and some other mental health issues, and have kept an eye out for updates. Well, it’s now 2023(!), and it’s a lot more commonplace than most people realize.
I’m one of those with TRD (treatment resistant depression), the prerequisite to be eligible for Spravado, the first FDA approved ‘psychedelic’ prescription to treat depression.
I gave it a shot, and have been sharing the experience with my listeners.

Today, I’m joined by Matt Lahn, the COO of Neuro Wellness Centers of America, the clinic where I’ve been getting my treatments, here in Coral Springs FL. Eventhough they’re  based in Coral Springs, Matt and Shelly are plugged into the mental health community and can help you find a good treatment center wherever you are. And Matt generously gave out his phone number should you have any questions about any of this. You can reach him directly at 954-709-1599.

Great strides have been made in mental health treatment over the past few decades. And I know from experience that I’m part of a very large portion of the population who tries to put on a brave face each day while masking our inner blues. Plus every time I approach the subject of depression on the show, I get a lot of response.