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Howie Klein is a fascinating man. We first met some 30+ years ago. At the time, I was doing music radio in Los Angeles and Howie was President of Reprise Records. When he saw the writing on the wall ahead of the AOL/Time Warner merger in 2000, he took the payout and got out just before everything started going to shit.

Howie quickly pivoted and turned his energies toward electing progressives to office. He began blogging at, and formed the Blue America PAC with other progressive bloggers Digby and John Amato. And they’re all still going strong.

When I moved from music radio to progressive talk, Howie quickly became a regular guest, eventually joining me weekly. We’ve been at it for well over a dozen years already. You’d think we’d run out of things to talk about. But sadly, the state of politics today insures that we’ll never be at a loss for topics – and politicians – about which to talk.

Today, aside from wherever the conversation takes us, I’ll definitely ask Howie about Dianne Feinstein. Howie lived in San Francisco back in the day and was friendly with Harvey Milk. I’ve heard that Harvey shared his private feelings about the former Mayor of SF, now the sickliest senator in Congress who refuses to stay home…