

On this Veterans Day, we could really support our troops by bringing them home and making them veterans instead of soldiers…

Last night was Republican Debate #4, from the Fox Business Channel. It was so boring I was asleep by 9:15. But I awoke at 5 this morning and began pulling clips. Jeezus, these people are deranged.

I shared some of the more outlandish clips during today’s show (audio only and YouTube decided to freak out on me today), and marveled at the insanity of the presidential wannabes on the right.

On Wednesdays, my fellow Floriduhian Deborah Newell Tornello joins me to out the DUH in FloriDUH. Today, we shared these stories and more:

Florida Mayoral Race Decided by Card Game

Man accused of destroying Rod Stewart’s mailbox during DUI stop

Deputy too drunk to receive Mothers Against Driving Drunk Award

And a big one I forgot to include:

Marco Rubio would like to have a beer with Malala, a Muslim teen

And in the second hour, Melinda St. Louis, director of International Campaigns at Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch, returned to tell us what the now-released text of the TPP shows. The quick synopsis: Worse than we expected.  Listen to the interview, read the 5700+ pages here if you dare, and find more analysis at, and

Listener Carla wrote in to let us know about an event being coordinated by Flush the TPP. Here’s what she wrote:

This morning i caught the last 10 minutes of your show and i will listen later. I am wondering if you had heard about a the event Flush the TPP. It is happening November 14-18 in Washington DC. If anyone has to choose only 1 event to attend it’s Monday @ 4:30 in front of the US Chamber of Commerce

4:30-8 pmMASS ACTION/MARCH for TRADE JUSTICE! If you can only attend one event, this is it! Invite all of your friends and lets make this huge! Bring drums and instruments, noise makers, art, props, costumes, and your group/personal message against corporate globalization! Meet at 4:30 at the Chamber of Commerce 1615 H St., NW for Mass Action/March and Rally to stop the TPP. If you can only attend one event, this is it!

We will march from the Chamber of Commerce to the Reagan Trade Center (1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20004). If you arrive late call 734-474-2984 or 410-591-0892 for updates on the ground.

 With that, we’re done for the day. I’ll be back tomorrow with Driftglass and Howie Klein, radio or not. 

And now for some Veterans Day tuneage: