If only the so-called leaders could be taken out of the equation, the people of the world might actually have a shot at world peace!
But only a shot because there are still citizens throughout the world who insist on placing all of the blame for this mess on one side or the other. As an American atheist of Jewish descent, I still consider myself a Jew – with all the history to comes with that heritage.
I have family members who escaped the concentration camps. That history doesn’t go away because the powers that be in Israel seem to have forgotten their persecution. I sympathize with the Palestinian people who have no homeland and live in the open-air prison that is Gaza.
I can see both sides of the story, and know that both sides are right in some respects and wrong in many others.
But when a long-time listener and supporter of this program writes in the chat room “All Jews in Israel are Nazis,” we have an even bigger problem than I realized. (Said listener left the chat room in a huff and canceled his monthly donation to the show. If you’d like to make up for the shortfall, your support is needed.)
Thank goodness I was able to read a sensible take on the situation with a sensible solution over at Slate: William Saletan‘s “How To Save Gaza and Keep Israel and Hamas from Fighting the Next War.” I already emailed and invited him on the show tomorrow. I hope he accepts.
And thank goodness for the people who started the #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies campaign.
Let me add myself and Keith Ellison to the mix who did the Jew/Muslim fist bump at Netroots Nation and shared a hug too!
Today on the show, Susie Madrak of Crooks & Liars joined in to show that even like-minded people can disagree, and do with without being assholes.
And Mario Piscatella, managing editor of Blue Nation Review, guested to tell us about that great new news website, the assault on premium subsidies in the Affordable Care Act by two Republican judges and more.. until a Florida lightning strike nearby knocked me off the air.
So, we’ll be back tomorrow with another show… Amy Simon on Seneca Falls, Stephen Goldstein with another “No More Bullshit Minute” and whatever else the day throws our way… radio or not!