Troy Davis’ Death Certificate Cause of Death: Homicide

That's what it says.  The cause of death on Troy Davis' death certificate is homicide. The legal definition of homicide is The killing of one human being by another human being. So that's what this country has come to.  In the face of overwhelming testimony casting serious doubt on the guilt of Troy Anthony Davis, the Georgia state board of pardons and parole, the Governor of Georgia, the Georgia Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States all refused to grant a stay of execution.  So last night he was put to death. He proclaimed his innocence [...]

By |September 22nd, 2011|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Troy Davis’ Death Certificate Cause of Death: Homicide

Ding Dong DADT is Dead

Is it possible to feel great joy and terrible despair at the same time?  It is, and it's happening today.  While the horrible policy that was Don't Ask Don't Tell is officially dead,  it looks like another innocent man is likely dead too. Yes, today, as we celebrate the end of another ugly chapter of discrimination in America, we continue executing people - even in the face of overwhelming doubt of their guilt. Tomorrow, Troy Davis will be executed by the murderous state of Georgia.  It's looking more and more like that will be the tragic reality as this alert [...]

By |September 20th, 2011|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Ding Dong DADT is Dead

For Profit Health Insurance is Government Sanctioned Extortion

I've said it many times before, and repeated that assertion on my show this morning. I got a bill in the mail yesterday from a collection agency.  Not from the imaging clinic where I had a thyroid ultrasound done in May, but from a collection agency. Honestly, when I got the bill for $504.60, I couldn't imagine what it was for. It certainly couldn't be for  that simple ultrasound that took all of 10 minutes with a lab technician who was able to show me on the machine that my thyroid had completely atrophied. But when I went online to [...]

By |September 15th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on For Profit Health Insurance is Government Sanctioned Extortion

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