Laughter and Tears

That picture is just one of many screens you'll see at It all started yesterday morning when our pal John Fugelsang asked Mitt Romney's communications director a question on Soledad O'Brien's morning show on CNN: My buddy John Fugelsang, who happens to be a brand new dad (see below) took time out between a return appearance on CNN- he's there all next week too, and filming a role in a movie, to chat with us about all that's happened recently, including the arrival of  Henry Jack Fugelsang... The show started with an update from Truthout's Jason Leopold about the [...]

Debunking Lies, Supporting a Candidate, and Laughing Too

It's another busy show today, so buckle in... As the hateful rhetoric escalates toward the Islamic Cultural/Community Center planned for a few blocks away from the site of  "Ground Zero," we'll take a look at the man behind the idea.  In today's Huffington Post, Sam Stein writes: In March 2003, federal officials were being criticized for disrespecting the rights of Arab-Americans in their efforts to crack down on domestic security threats in the post-9/11 environment. Hoping to calm the growing tempers, FBI officials in New York hosted a forum on ways to deal with Muslim and Arab-Americans without exacerbating social [...]

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