SHOCKER: A Liar in a Congressman’s Office

Today, after the American Dream rally at the Capitol, a group of us - including Marcy Wheeler of emptywheel, Andrew Harman of Change to Win, Sandy Carpenter of, and a few others from  Our DC paid a visit to the three GOP House members of the Super Committee to tell them why we need Jobs, not cuts. The staffers in Congressmen Jeb Hensarling's and Fred Upton's offices were cordial and listened to us.  The treatment we received in Dave Camp's office was a completely different experience.  See it for yourself. Tomorrow, it's off to Occupy DC with the [...]

Walking the Talk – All the Way to DC

              I do a lot of talking every day, but I'd never ask my listeners to do anything I wouldn't do myself. For a few months, I've been spreading the word about the October 2011 movement. And recently I've been telling you about the Take Back the American Dream conference, organized by the Campaign for America's Future, Van Jones' American Dream movement, and I'll be attending both next week, as I head to Washington DC. In my absence, Shane-O of the Funked in the Head show will be filling in for me, and [...]

By |September 30th, 2011|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Walking the Talk – All the Way to DC

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