I didn’t post it here before last night’s show as I wasn’t sure he’d be able to call in. But John Ondrasik (better known to all his fans as Five for Fighting) did call in at the top of the show last night…

John was in NY, appearing at an event at the Beacon Theater in honor of the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, where he performed the song “Superman” that became an anthem for the first responders in the days following the attacks.

John’s new album “Slice” will be out next month. The song “Tuesday,” which will appear on the cd, was written about that day. We had the world radio premiere on my show last night.

Listen to our interview here.

I also spoke withe Ted Walter of NYCCAN.org, the organization working to get on the ballot in November calling for a new, impartial investigation of what happened on 9/11. Listen to that interview here.

And the second hour was spent talking with Jesse LaGreca, who blogs under the handle “Ministry of Truth” on Daily Kos, ProgressiveElectorate.com and docudharma.com. Here’s the link to that interview.

Have a great rest of your weekend… Steer clear of the 9/12 nuts, and I’ll talk to you Monday night on Air America radio!