John Brennan appears before the Senate Intelligence Committee today for his confirmation hearing to be named head of the CIA.  Personally, his appointment bothers me, as this man in complicit in both our drone program and in the torture program of the previous administration.

From the “timing is everything” category, we saw the release or leak of two reports dealing with these controversial topics.

On today’s show, I spoke with Huffington Post’s Joshua Hersh, who wrote about these reports here, here and here…  All worth reading!

After the news from the Talk Radio News Service, it was time to have some fun, and Maysoon Zayid was happy to bring the laughs.

I’ll be back with a new show on Monday.  In light of today’s deification of Marco Rubio by Time magazine, Jim DeFede of Miami’s CBS4 will be my special guest to tell you everything you need to know about Rubio and why, if he is the GOP’s savior, the Democrats have nothing to worry about!