I’ve been fortunate to have had a wonderful career in radio. It’s been 45 years since my first radio job while in college at the University of South Florida’s WUSF. After college, I moved up to NY where I quickly found a job at WMCA producing The Bob Grant Show.
One day while Grant was on vacation, the guest host was former Congressman John LeBoutillier. While he was on the air, the hotline in the studio rang. It was Jim Kerr, the morning man at WPLJ. When I gave John the message, I asked for an introduction. He asked me if I was a listener and I said no, but that I wanted to work with him.
The rest, as they say, is history. It was some months later, but I was finally hired to produce Jim Kerr & the Morning Crew in 1985. I was only there for two years before heading out to LA in search of love… but what an amazing two years they were!
I learned more from Jim Kerr than from anyone else I worked with in the subsequent decades, and cherish those memories.
On this page, I’ll share some photos, press, memos and some audio from the show while I was there.
Thank you Jim Kerr – and congratulations on 50 years and an amazing career!

Jim Kerr, Nicole Sandler, Howard the Cabdriver, then NJ Gov Tom Keane, JJ Kennedy, Gerard at Giants Stadium

The memo from Program Director Larry Berger when we hit #1 (and when Jim Kerr & the Morning Crew beat Scott Shannon at Z100)

My daughter Alison meeting Jim at Q104.3 on a visit to NY c. 2008

Jim Kerr behind the board at WPLJ c 1986

Boy George guested when he was on top of the world in 1985. It was crowded that day. Even young Jimmy Kerr (pictured right in front of me and next to Boy George) came in that morning.

A tired looking me with Howard the Cabdriver

The one photo I can find of me and Jim Kerr – of course my eyes are closed.
Ready for some audio? Here are a few bits and segments from Jim Kerr & the Morning Crew at WPLJ Power 95 in NYC 1985-1987
Congratulations Jim! I have tons more I’ll post as I come across them!