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I’m a baby boomer. I know that’s not necessarily a good thing to publicly announce, but I’m not about to start lying about my age now. That said, I am among the last of the Boomers, having been born in November of 1959.

If you wonder why it matters, you probably should read THE AFTERMATH: THE LAST DAYS OF THE BABY BOOM AND THE FUTURE OF POWER IN AMERICA, the new book from Washington Post columnist Philip Bump. He’s today’s guest, and I’m looking forward to a fascinating conversation.

Hopefully the gremlins have been exorcised from this studio. Yesterday was a rough day, not only due to the myriad of technical issues that doomed the show, but it was also the 5th anniversary of the Parkland shooting (my community), and I’m still processing the news of the death of a member of our community here at the show, Joy Williams. And the shooting at Michigan State, and it just never ends… But today, we’ll go boom…. Baby Boom, that is.

Maybe this will make you feel better. It sure helped me.