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This has been a long, exhausting week and thank dog it’s over. It wasn’t all bad, though. I got to see Springsteen! I actually saw more live music last week than in the past three years combined!
We saw Joe Biden deliver a widely praised State of the Union address. The poll numbers on the speech were great, even though his performance ratings are still not very strong. But Dark Brandon seems to have found his footing as he prepares to announce he’ll run for reelection at the age of 80.
Today’s guest is Neil Gross. He’s a former police officer, currently a sociology professor and author of three books. His third, WALK THE WALK: HOW THREE POLICE CHIEFS DEFIED THE ODDS AND CHANGED COP CULTURE, is set for a March 23 release. He also has an article in the current ATLANTIC magazine covering other police departments who are doing their jobs responsibly…