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Ideally, we would have done this interview during March, but honestly, women’s history shouldn’t be relegated to just one month. Ya know?

So today, after we cover the latest news on arraignment watch and the fascist makeover of Floriduh, we’ll learn about the American First Lady who basically performed her husband’s role of president after Woodrow Wilson suffered a stroke — Edith Wilson. I didn’t even know her name until I learned of this new book, UNTOLD POWER: THE FASCINATING RISE AND COMPLEX LEGACY OF FIRST LADY EDITH WILSON. Today, I’ll speak with the author, REBECCA BOGGS ROBERTS.

(Note from Nicole: I need to fire my producer. She left up Rebekah Jones’ info on Rebecca’s chyron, so sorry about the video! Her Twitter is @RBoggsRoberts and her website is

But we’ll start the show with a brand new production from Randy Rainbow, and I think it might be his best video yet!