I’m cursed when it comes to computers. I usually blame the problem on gremlins. Today I think they’re demons. Or maybe it’s that old disrupter, Mercury Retrograde.

I’m not big on astrology, but I have noticed that when Mercury is in retrograde, bad shit happens, especially concerning communications. And according to the people who are big on astrology, this time around, it’s a doozy.

On March 15, Mercury retrograde begins again, and it’s time to send in the clowns. For the next three weeks, Mercury will appear to move backward in the sky, causing very real miscommunications, technology meltdowns, and debilitating headaches. Welcome to 2025! …

Every Mercury retrograde has its own flavor of disarray, and this one is one-part impulse, one-part confusion. This Mercury retrograde begins in the sign of Aries, and — from March 15 through March 29 — you should expect unnecessarily hot tempers, bold declarations that age like raw milk, and technology failures that make you genuinely consider becoming Luddite. Aries is about action, so this phase might make you feel like you must respond immediately, even when you really, really shouldn’t.

Then, on March 29, Mercury slinks into Pisces, and all bets are off. Even when Mercury is functioning normally, this planet struggles in Pisces: Facts dissolve, communication gets a little too abstract, and logic takes a backseat. But when Mercury is retrograde in Pisces? Big yikes. Conversations loop endlessly, decisions get postponed indefinitely, and what seemed like a solid plan turned out to be smoke and mirrors. If Aries retrograde was all about reckless action, Pisces retrograde is a fog machine, blurring the lines between fact and fantasy. Mercury in Pisces doesn’t just make you forget where you put your keys — it makes you forget why you needed to leave the house in the first place.

But that’s not all! This Mercury retrograde is also taking place at the same time as Venus retrograde and eclipse season! Miscommunication meets relationship upheaval meets karmic plot twists? Yes, it really is that bad!

Obviously, my issues go further than just that, but I need something to blame!

Whatever it is… I’ll have no new show today or tomorrow. I’m hoping to be back on Thursday, but I won’t know until the computer repair people get back to me.

My main computer that I use to stream the show each day died on me a few weeks ago. It’s less than two years old and is a really good Lenovo — supposed to be one of the best of the PCs. My backup is another Lenovo, less than a year older than the other one. It had been working fine until a week or two ago (maybe when Mercury went retrograde?) when the internet connection just randomly would slow from blazing fast to a crawl. When I attempted to fix it myself yesterday, it rebelled by not connecting at all. So, to the shop we went last night.

And here we are today.

I apologize. But I’m at technology’s mercy, apparently at the absolutely worst time for it.

So I’ll try to take a couple of days to rest up, regroup, and try to regain a bit of my sanity as the world continues to crumble all around us.

Hoping to talk with you again soon.. I’ll keep you posted.

Peace out.