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I keep reading about unemployment being at a record low! Headlines scream “Hot Job Market” “Workers have the upper hand” and other stories along those lines. So why are so many of us running into brick walls when searching for that next great gig? Age? Perhaps! Ageism is unfortunately alive and well in the corporate world.

Today’s guest is a long-time friendly acquaintance of mine who, shockingly, also hit the dead zone when applying for jobs the last time he found himself without a job. He stumbled into a new career as a headhunter, and wrote a book to share his new-found expertise with the rest of us.

Today I’m joined by Rob Barnett, former big shot at MTV/VHI, Amazon/Audible, past president of CBS Radio, founder/creator of My Damn Channel and lots more, author of Next Job, Best Job: A Headhunter’s 11 Strategies to Get Hired Now. I promise some entertaining stories and strategies to help you finally get that next, best job.