Well, my day certainly started with a bang. We had a small thunderstorm this morning here in Coral Springs, Florida… and true to form, Florida Power & Light couldn’t keep my power on! The lights went out right around 9:10am, a scant 50 minutes before showtime.
When I contacted FP&L, they said they hoped to have the power restored by 11:15, so I shut everything down and contacted my scheduled guests to let them know there might not be a show today.
Imagine my surprise when the lights came back on at 9:53, giving me a whopping 7 minutes to let everyone know we were good to go, and to reboot my studio equipment.
Aside from a rough start and the fact that the video didn’t start recording until an hour into the program, we pulled it off..
My first guest was Justin Coussoule. If you don’t know the name, then please click on the link and meet the guy who’s running against John Boehner from Ohio’s 8th Congressional District. He can actually beat Boehner, but only if we get behind him and help him… the Democratic Party certainly isn’t!
I also had the pleasure of speaking with Joel Bourne who wrote the cover story for this month’s National Geographic magazine, “Can The Gulf Survive?” The Nat Geo channel has a special episode of their Explorer series on tonight at 10pm too.
Ellen Ratner checked in with a news report from the Talk Radio News Service.
And Gotta Laff of The Political Carnival returned for our regular Tuesday morning get together to dish about the news…
Tropical Storm Nicole is heading our way tomorrow (how’s that for ironic?). FPL permitting I’ll talk to you tomorrow morning with my guests Howie Klein of DownWithTyranny, Tim Carpenter of Progressive Democrats of America, and Alaska’s Shannyn Moore.