11-29-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Yes, I’m Working on Black Friday

    With much of the country taking the day after Thanksgiving as a holiday, I figured I might as well do a show. After all, I'd only be taking a day for myself to relax, clean a bit, watch a movie.. anything but shop. Instead, I thought I'd do something constructive and produce new show for others who are also not shopping today! As usual, we'll start with a bit of humor and cover the latest news.And perhaps we'll end with an interview. I'll give you the choice... an informative interview about Medicare for All, or a musical interview [...]

By |November 29th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 11-29-19 Nicole Sandler Show – Yes, I’m Working on Black Friday

6-26-19 Nicole Sandler Show – A Lawyer, a CIA Operative and a Radio Host with Jack Rice

    I know the headline sounds the the start of a joke, but Jack Rice is all of those things and more. He just returned from a stint at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, and weighs in on the insanity here - from impeachment to crimes and misdemeanors. As always, we'll begin with a bit of the news of the day... I know the headline sounds the the start of a joke, but Jack Rice is all of those things and more. He just returned from a stint at the International Criminal Court at The Hague, and [...]

By |June 26th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-26-19 Nicole Sandler Show – A Lawyer, a CIA Operative and a Radio Host with Jack Rice

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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