1-20-15 Nicole Sandler Show – Democracy in Action – or Not!

Nicole Sandler is joined by Democracy for America Chair Jim Dean and her Radio or Not colleague GottaLaff to preview tonight's State of the Union address, talk Elizabeth Warren and other ideas to help move the nation forward, plus some fun and laughs too

Not-So-Smart ALEC

The update on Ted Nugent that I opened the show with came courtesy of Daily Kos. Bill Schmalfeldt, with way too much time on his hands, actually found Courtney Love's confession that "one of the first times" she had oral sex was with the Nuge, when she was 12 YEARS OLD!   Holy fucking pedophile! This intrepid blogger actually waded through a blog called MikesFriggin.com - some other poor soul who actually writes about what was said on the Howard Stern show each day, wrote this on March 23, 2004: Courtney Love phoned into the Howard Stern Show on Monday before [...]

By |April 19th, 2012|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Not-So-Smart ALEC

The Yes Men Strike Again!

That's the new logo for Your Bank of America.  It's on the website at YourBofA.com.   Once you go there, you'll see that it has been flagged as a "phishing" site.  It is nothing of the kind, and you should report that as an error, and then proceed to the site. I found it this morning upon receiving a "press release" from Your Bank of America that read: Bank of America Corporation has added a news release to its Newsroom.  Bank of America Announces “Your Bank of America” Campaign, Partnership with Taxpayers to Revamp U.S. BankingDate(s): 18-Apr-2012 9:00 AM As [...]

By |April 18th, 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Yes Men Strike Again!

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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