Emptywheel Friday on The Nicole Sandler Show 12-6-24

  We're back. Marcy Wheeler again joins us from her home in Ireland for our end-of-the-week look back on what went down over the past few days. As usual, lots of shit thrown against the wall where, inevitably, some of it sticks. Today we talk about what's left of the D'ump indictments and prosecutions (not much), his nominations (lots of them), pardons and preemptive pardons (just listen) and more... We have a lot of work to do. Let's get to it. In the meantime, I'm compiling a list of credible, accurate, good journalists who we can trust to report the [...]

12-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Who? with Marcy Wheeler

Download here or click below to play     Forty-Seven days until the 46th president is sworn in and the 45th is banished from the White House! And poor old #45 seems to be losing what's left of his mind further each day. There's been a lot of chatter in recent days about Trump's pardon plans. He already pardoned Michael Flynn, and the rumors are that he'll pardon his cronies and family members including Giuliani, Jared Kushner, Kushner's dad, Don Jr, Eric and Ivanka... and himself. And this week we learned of a Pay for Pardon scheme that also implicates [...]

By |December 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 12-4-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Who? with Marcy Wheeler

2-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – DisBarr with Lisa Graves

Download here, or click below to play With Donald Trump moving further into autocracy and his Attorney General dodging demands for his resignation, I could think of no one better to ask on the show than Lisa Graves. She's been a legal advisor to all three branches of government, and served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General under Janet Reno and John Ashcroft. She answers all my questions, and then some! And I promised I'd post the video that I played on today's show. Enjoy "The Day Democracy Died" by The Founding Fathers Sing!  

By |February 19th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – DisBarr with Lisa Graves

2-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Me, It’s Tuesday with @GottaLaff

 download here or click to play below Every Tuesday, Nicole Sandler is joined by GottaLaff to shoot the shit about the news as gleaned from Laffy's prolific Twitter stream. And today we get to start things with a new Randy Rainbow video!

By |February 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Me, It’s Tuesday with @GottaLaff

2-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Me, It’s Tuesday with GottaLaff

 download here or click to play below Every Tuesday, Nicole Sandler is joined by GottaLaff to shoot the shit about the news as gleaned from Laffy's prolific Twitter stream. And today we get to start things with a new Randy Rainbow video!

By |February 18th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 2-18-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Pardon Me, It’s Tuesday with GottaLaff

6-1-18 Nicole Sandler Show -How to Democrat in the Age of Trump

  It's a busy Friday on the show as Nicole speaks with Simon Maloy of Media Matters about Trump's pardon of right wing provocateur Dinesh D'Sousa. Nicole also welcomes long-time progressive strategist Mike Lux, whose new book "How to Democrat in the Age of Trump" is released today.

By |June 1st, 2018|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 6-1-18 Nicole Sandler Show -How to Democrat in the Age of Trump

Nicole Sandler Show on TuneIn

The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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