Wednesday… War

War is ugly. I mentioned the other night that I thought it was a barbaric practice and solves no problems... ever. With the wikileaks release of the "Collateral Murder" video, the truly heinous nature of what happens in war is brought right to our laptops, and we should all be sickened by what we see. But keep in mind that, although we rarely get to see examples like this up close and personal, these things happen more often than we'd like to admit. Yesterday, I called on independent journalist Dahr Jamail, who spent nine months in Iraq during un-embedded, reporting [...]

By |April 7th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Wednesday… War

Why I Couldn’t Sleep Last Night

I couldn't fall  asleep last night, and I couldn't figure out why until I started talking on tonight's show. That's when I mentioned that last night, upon learning of the "Collateral Murder" video, I couldn't watch it.  I said that I didn't want to see the killing. But after the show, while uploading the podcast and doing my usual after-show work, I realized that I couldn't not watch it... So, I braced myself and watched the horrors of war. I talked a bit about it tonight, but the guests I had hoped to have on to discuss what went down [...]

By |April 6th, 2010|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on Why I Couldn’t Sleep Last Night

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