5-26-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Tuesday in Lockdown with Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

Download here or click below to play   It's Tuesday, the day that GottaLaff joins me to dish on the news. Since we entered shelter-at-home mode a couple of months ago, our old friend and the third member of the Gliberal Goddesses, Amy Simon began working at home and is able to sneak away for a bit to join us for these gatherings, so Amy joins in too. Of course, as always, we begin with some news and commentary and something to make us laugh... Today's funny came from Steven Wolff of Vancouver, Canada 

By |May 26th, 2020|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5-26-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Tuesday in Lockdown with Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

5-26-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Tuesday in Lockdown with the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play   It's Tuesday, the day that GottaLaff joins me to dish on the news. Since we entered shelter-at-home mode a couple of months ago, our old friend and the third member of the Gliberal Goddesses, Amy Simon began working at home and is able to sneak away for a bit to join us for these gatherings, so Amy joins in too. Of course, as always, we begin with some news and commentary and something to make us laugh... Today's funny came from Steven Wolff of Vancouver, Canada 

By |May 26th, 2020|Tags: , |Comments Off on 5-26-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Tuesday in Lockdown with the Gliberal Goddesses

5-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff and the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play     It's another Tuesday at home. Parts of the country have begun opening up again, but there seems to be an ideological divide about taking precautions against the virus. Democrats believe in wearing masks and social distancing, and Republicans don't. I'm staying safely at home... Trump is trying every distraction ploy in the books to keep the public from blaming him for the carnage under his watch... five times more deaths due to Covid-19 than the nation with the second most casualties. We have lots to discuss when GottaLaff joins in for [...]

By |May 19th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with @GottaLaff and the Gliberal Goddesses

5-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff and the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play     It's another Tuesday at home. Parts of the country have begun opening up again, but there seems to be an ideological divide about taking precautions against the virus. Democrats believe in wearing masks and social distancing, and Republicans don't. I'm staying safely at home... Trump is trying every distraction ploy in the books to keep the public from blaming him for the carnage under his watch... five times more deaths due to Covid-19 than the nation with the second most casualties. We have lots to discuss when GottaLaff joins in for [...]

By |May 19th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 5-19-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Tuesdays with GottaLaff and the Gliberal Goddesses

5-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Split Screen Tuesday- SCOTUS, Senate hearings and the Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

Download here or click below to play   It's a split-screen kind of day. The Supreme Court is hearing arguments over Trump's taxes and financial information that are under subpoena from both the House of Representatives and New York State. And the Senate HELP committee is holding a hearing with Dr. Fauci and three other COVID-19 experts being questions by the senators. @GottaLaff and Amy Simon are watching the senate hearing; I'm listening to the Supreme Court arguments. We'll discuss both and more today on the show!  

By |May 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Split Screen Tuesday- SCOTUS, Senate hearings and the Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

5-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Split Screen Tuesday- SCOTUS, Senate hearings and the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play   It's a split-screen kind of day. The Supreme Court is hearing arguments over Trump's taxes and financial information that are under subpoena from both the House of Representatives and New York State. And the Senate HELP committee is holding a hearing with Dr. Fauci and three other COVID-19 experts being questions by the senators. @GottaLaff and Amy Simon are watching the senate hearing; I'm listening to the Supreme Court arguments. We'll discuss both and more today on the show!  

By |May 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 5-12-20 Nicole Sandler Show -Split Screen Tuesday- SCOTUS, Senate hearings and the Gliberal Goddesses

4-28-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

Download here or click below to play     The weeks are now just running into one another... I believe this is the fifth Tuesday since we began sheltering in place. We're all more than a little stir crazy by now. But I found three recent items, all dealing with the coronavirus in a strange way, that I need to discuss with GottaLaff and Amy Simon of She's History as the Gliberal Goddesses gather yet again. Of course we'll begin with something to make us laugh, and a look at the latest insanity that is the news... Today's funny is [...]

By |April 28th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-28-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

4-28-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play     The weeks are now just running into one another... I believe this is the fifth Tuesday since we began sheltering in place. We're all more than a little stir crazy by now. But I found three recent items, all dealing with the coronavirus in a strange way, that I need to discuss with GottaLaff and Amy Simon of She's History as the Gliberal Goddesses gather yet again. Of course we'll begin with something to make us laugh, and a look at the latest insanity that is the news... Today's funny is [...]

By |April 28th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on 4-28-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses

4-21-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses with @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

Download here or click below to play   It's another Tuesday, so @GottaLaff joins in as usual to shoot the shit about what's happening in the news. Since we're all quarantining at home, Amy Simon returns to join Laffy & Nicole for another gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses. Of course, we begin as usual with some laughs, some news and a rant or two...

By |April 21st, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-21-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses with @GottaLaff and @ShesHistoryAmy

4-21-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses

Download here or click below to play   It's another Tuesday, so @GottaLaff joins in as usual to shoot the shit about what's happening in the news. Since we're all quarantining at home, Amy Simon returns to join Laffy & Nicole for another gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses. Of course, we begin as usual with some laughs, some news and a rant or two...

By |April 21st, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on 4-21-20 Nicole Sandler Show – Another Gathering of the Gliberal Goddesses

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The Nicole Sandler Show is live weekday afternoons, 5-6 ET/ 2-3 PT.

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