It’s 8:37 Saturday night, September 24, 2011 and I’m watching history in the making.

Eight days into the “global revolution” – emanating from the Occupy Wall Street movement – and the NYC Police Department is showing their worst side.

This afternoon, as hundreds of peaceful protestors marched from Wall Street to Union Square, the cops became violent.

Watching this video of a group of young women penned in by orange netting, then hit with a strong blast of pepper pray made me ill.

I’ve not been able to describe the screams that came from me when I was sprayed while in the Broward County Jail. But I heard those screams in this video.

After the protestors got back to “Liberty Square” they were joined by many, many more.  Although the corporate media is ignoring it, the world is watching online.  And the police brutality is only going to bring out more protestors.

History is happening before our eyes. At this moment, most of the protestors have already left Freedom Plaza. A few dozen remain. The police have surrounded most of the square, while the protestors inside are mostly quiet or playing drums.

Somehow, I can’t help but think the protestors have won. If the cops take any action against the peaceful protestors, the whole world is watching. If they back off after this show of force, they giving in and allowing the crowds to stay there.

Watch for yourself. It’s hard to turn away:

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at