No, I’m not talking about The Eagles. But seriously, hell must have frozen over yesterday! Glenn Beck, the hate talker who was too extreme for Faux News, yesterday admitted that not only was he wrong about the US invasion of Iraq but, “Liberals, you were right!”
Seriously! If you need to hear it right from the horses mouth, I don’t blame you. Just hit play:
There was more. Of course, Beck was wrong about more than he got right in this clip… But there was more to enjoy:
From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t. At the time I believed that the United States was under threat from Saddam Hussein. I really truly believed that Saddam Hussein was funding terrorists. We knew that. He was funding the terrorists in Hamas. We knew that he was giving money. We could track that. We knew he hated us. We knew that without a shadow of a doubt. It wasn’t much or a stretch to believe that he would fund a terror strike against us, especially since he would say that. So I took him at his word.
[…] Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes. You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.[…] Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more,” he said. “This must end now. Now can’t we come together on that?
Of course, the right’s reaction to the capture and arrest of the alleged mastermind of the Benghazi attack was both predictable and nothing I could have ever imagined, at the same time!
“You have the former Secretary of State who is in the middle of a really high-profile book tour,”Independents host Kennedy said. “I think this is convenient for her to shift the talking points from some of the things she’s been discussing.”
Concerned Vets CEO and Fox contributor Pete Hegseth noted that Clinton was set to give an interview with Fox, that will almost certainly focus on her role in Benghazi, in just a few hours.
“What a great thing to announce tonight at Fox News that the perpetrators have been brought to justice,” he continued. “It’s all too neat and it’s too cute. I always want to give the benefit of the doubt to our authorities, but in this case it feels too neat on the timeline.”
These people really have nothing better to do?
Perhaps I shouldn’t ask, as they spend the rest of their time trying to make a fortune on the backs of our nation’s schoolchildren and health care.
Speaking of the deadbeats who are making huge profits by trying to kill off public education, this morning I spoke with someone who is working hard on behalf of our public education system. Sabrina Joy Stevens is a former teacher, now working at executive director of Integrity in Education.
Today, she told us about two issues. First, the fact that former FL Governor, Bush family member, and possible 2016 presidential contender Jeb Bush today keynoted a convention of predatory for-profit college industry leaders. #Jebucation.
Secondly, she gave us the facts about the attack on teachers tenure in California in the wrongly-decided case of Vergara vs California. Sabrina wrote about it – and the big money behind the suit for the American Prospect magazine, “Billionaires Behind the Attack on Public Education in California Tenure Suit.”
Finally, during the show today, a ruling was handed down by the US Patent Office cancelling the trademark for the Washington (offensive name) football team! I learned about it from a tweet from Dave Zirin of The Nation, who is in Brazil for the World Cup. He’ll join me on the show tomorrow to talk about both stories! Plus The No More Bullshit Minute with Stephen Goldstein, and She’s History’s Amy Simon too.
See you then, radio or not!