An activist dressed like a polar bear protests against the Keystone XL oil pipeline outside The White House in Washington February 3, 2014. (Reuters / Yuri Gripas)
Yesterday, just a few days after the State Dept released it’s latest report on the Keystone XL pipeline, opponents took to the streets in some 3o0 cities across the nation to say “Hell No!”
This Saturday, many thousands are expected to join in the Moral March in Raleigh, NC.
In Kiev and other cities in Ukraine, protesters are taking to the streets and risking their lives for their rights!
When I get discouraged about the ways of the world, I remember that there are some pretty awesome people standing up for all of us.
This morning on the show, Campaign for America’s Future‘s Dave Johnson joined in to talk about yesterday’s #NoKXL rallies which he wrote about here.
If you’re on the east coast, especially in the vicinity of North Carolina, this Saturday you can join in with Rev. William Barber and the Moral Monday movement as they take it to new heights.
Luke Vargas phoned in his Talk Radio News Service report this morning from Kiev, Ukraine, and sent these pictures along to add some visuals to his report. Talk about standing up for one’s beliefs.
As she does on Tuesday mornings, GottaLaff also joined in the discussion. In addition to the latest on Chris Christie’s numerous woes and scandals, she told us about one 13-year old California girl who is fighting for her first amendment rights.
We must keep on fighting for our rights.
Tomorrow on the show, author, spiritual teacher and now Congressional candidate (CA-33) Marianne Williamson will join me. Plus Mikey Franklin of the Fair Pay Campaign (fighting for pay for interns), and Crooks & Liars’ Susie Madrak too!