I apologize for being off the air for the past couple of days. As you know if you’ve been watching and/or listening for any amount of time, I’ve been having a rough time dealing with the run-uo to the end of this seemingly interminable election season. I could explain further, but I think you already understand. Judging from the emails I’ve received, I’m not alone.
I wrote this up last night and posted it on Facebook. I figured I should share it here as well… And a heads-up. I just finished recording tomorrow’s Emptywheel Friday episode with the great Marcy Wheeler. It will run both tomorrow (as usual) and Monday too. I’ll hopefully still be enjoying Sedona and the Arizona desert, celebrating my birthday with my daughter. I plan to be back live on Tuesday… Thanks for understanding!
Originally posted to Facebook 10/30/24
I apologize for the no show today and am taking tomorrow off as well. Like millions of others I’ve been struggling with the anxiety brought on by this election and the horrific toll it’s taken on civility, friendships, respect, empathy and so many other aspects of a civil society.The fear of what’s still a possibility is paralyzing, even though common sense tells me that this nation is filled with enough people who know right from wrong. Unfortunately, as has become abundantly clear to me recently, logic has no say when the mind is being assaulted by irrational, ugly forces.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, and I know how many have reached out since I opened up about my struggles this week and last, please know you’re not alone. And you don’t have to deal with it alone!I had invited Kelly Carlin on the show today. Her unique ability to see people likely came in part from her father George’s genius powers of observation. But Kelly also has the knowledge and training in Jungian and other practices to help heal our deep wounds and fears.About 2 hours before she was going to join me on today’s show, I messaged Kelly from a dark place. She called and talked with me for almost 40 minutes, and helped me immeasurably. We decided it’s best that I didn’t do a show today, she urging me to take care of myself.Kelly is not a ‘therapist’ in the regular meaning of the term. But she has her masters in Jungian/Archetypal psychology. She facilitates amazing life-changing webinars and workshops in addition my many other things. I promise we’ll have Kelly back on the show once we get past this very strange and surreal moment in time.In the meantime, check out Kelly’s website at kellycarlin.com, and know there’s lots more coming.
I’ll be in touch from my trip with Alison and Jaxson over the next few days. Thank you for bearing with us.
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