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Instead of a Monday Music show today we’re going to turn the Monday spotlight on a new movie. Robert Greenwald‘s Brave New Films is out with  Suppressed: The Fight to Vote . The producer/director of this and many others including  OutfoxedWalMart: The High Cost of Low Prices, Iraq for Sale, Rethink Afghanistan and others joins us today to talk about what might be the most important message of our time.

You can find all of those films at the Brave New Films website— there’s a treasure trove of documentaries to watch.

But before you dive into those, watch Suppressed: The Fight to Vote!



Today’s funny was from some creative folks who go by the moniker of Unsubscribe Below


And although I still can’t stream live to YouTube, I am still able to upload the show after the fact. So, for those who like to watch…
