Last night, we witnessed everything that’s wrong with this county and caught a glimmer of what can make things, at least slightly, better.
Today on the show, I recapped the embarrassing “town hall” with Bernie Sanders on MSRNC MSDNC MSHRC MSBS last night, hosted by Chris Matthews. He is so openly hostile to Bernie that it seemed as if the whole thing was a giant set-up, from the horrendous makeup job to the horrible audio buzz to Tweety’s berating a presidential candidate. Horrible.
And I went from one shit storm into another, as I tuned into the CNN Republican debate just in time to hear Donald Trump and Marco Rubio ripping each other mercilessly. Boy, do I need a weekend!
But we’re in the midst of it. The Democratic South Carolina primary is tomorrow, and Super Tuesday is Tuesday. Strap in… we’re going the distance!
Julianna Forlano joined me this morning for some political fun and laughs. For our #FlashbackFriday segment, we went back to 2008 and my morning-after-The Sopranos finale with Little Steven Van Zandt (also of Bruce Springsteen’s E Street Band).
OK, back to work, as I’m guest hosting The BradCast tonight. Randi Rhodes will be joining me to help recap last night’s debate and more, radio or not!