nauseous upchucks

Please welcome back regular guest contributor, author of Being Christian – a racy novel that explores the dark underbelly of the right-wing Christian world – and the go-to blogger on shocking religion news, hypocrisy, and all things church v. state (weekly upchucks), KC Boyd.

You can link over to the official KC Boyd site here for the rest of this post. It’s well worth a look, because I left out a ton of great upchuckable stuff, including antidotes! These are but a few of her weekly “where religion meets your rights” collection:

Your Weekly Upchucks: The place where religion meets your rights

– by KC Boyd

Abortion, Contraception And Other Womens/ Issues

 All Things LGBT


Fifty Shades Of Lying Propaganda

 Fifty Shades Of Barking Mad

  • Creepy Old Man Spew: Pat Robertson: Serving Same-Sex Couple Like Serving Man-Dog Wedding

Fifty Shades Of Hate

 If Media Is The Message

  Israel, End Times And John Hagee

  • The Joke’s On Jew, Chuck: Many Jews, relieved to have the steadfast support of the bloc that calls itself ‘Christian Zionists’ are making a Faustian bargain. While these so-called Zionists’ public face is one of love for Israel, “on religious television, in books, and at religious conferences, this love is unabashedly presented as biblical prophecy come to life, culminating in the return of Christ and the conversion or elimination of Jews.”
  • Emesis Rising: News only if you haven’t been listening: Millions of Evangelical Christians Want to Start World War III … to Speed Up the Second Coming
  • In GW, God So Hated The World: There is no “doubt now that President Bush’s reason for launching the war in Iraq was, for him, fundamentally religious. He was driven by his belief that the attack on Saddam’s Iraq was the fulfillment of a Biblical prophesy in which he had been chosen to serve as the instrument of the Lord.”

 Politics Nation

  • Primping, Preening, Spewing: Walker will come out in full-throated support of creationism because that is what his base wants to hear.
  • End Times Poopers: To Understand Scott Walker’s Strength, Look at His (mostly messianic) Donors
  • Calling Scott Walk To The Toilet: Scott Walker says he consults with God, but his office can’t provide documents to prove it
  • Down Dirty Hurl: Presidential Wannabes, Cruz And Jindal, Join Far-Right Activists at Frank Gaffney ‘Defeat Jihad’ Forum
  • Walkering It Back to Truther Town: Walker: I Don’t Know If Obama Is Christian

 Religion Gone Bad

 Sausage Makers And Their Sausage


 Science – – Or Not

  • Hurling Hairballs: Liberals are absolutely anti-science when it comes climatology and global warming.” Bryan Fischer

 Supremes And Lower Courts

  • Mo(o)re Vomit: Roy Moore: If Supreme Court changes God’s ‘organic law’ on marriage ‘I would not be bound thereby’
  • Mo(o)re Puke: Judge Roy Moore Warns He May Abolish Marriage Entirely If Same-Sex Weddings Are Allowed

 Theocracy Rising