I get a lot of email from listeners. Some cut through and grab my attention more than others.

I received this note from Rebecca yesterday, and it got me thinking.  I shared it with some friends who replied with optimistic thoughts, ranging from “you put one foot in front of the other and keep on walking” to “I get involved with local causes because that’s where I can have a greater impact” to “Stay focused on the little things because they matter too”…

I’d love your responses too…  Here’s the letter:

How do you keep going? I am so discouraged, distressed, depressed, and just plain downhearted. I watch the “mainstream” media and listen to much of the progressive talk and I am ready to just pull my head into my shell and give up! Obama betrays us with every turn, the right is totally controlled by BIG COMPANIES through the tea-party and I truly despair for our country.

On Friday when the LAST shuttle lifted off I cried for hours. I hear only one commentator call it “bittersweet” and that was on BBC World!
What has this country come to that we are going to use RUSSIANS to ferry our few astronauts into space! A space program that in large part gave us transistors and then computer chips, much of the engineering done in the aviation metallurgy industries, and gave a whole generation dreams of being not just astronauts but many kinds of scientists. That dream is dead.

Now I am watching the pols in Washington squander any hope of a real economic recovery — and play chicken with the WORLDS economy. Can they really want to defeat Obama so much that they would do ANYTHING to makes things so bad that he is defeated?

And the wars that just go on and on and on? Where is the generation who stopped the Vietnam War? Sitting on their complacent boomer asses too invested in their jobs/retirement to step forward and demand that it stop.

I begin to hear all kinds of talk: a third party candidate, someone to primary Obama, but could an outsider really get enough coverage to actually make a difference? Heck, the Republicans can’t find a decent candidate!

America is clearly becoming a 2nd rate nation with a dysfunctional and corrupt government. How do you keep going?

Please, comment away!