native american-Keep-America-Beautiful-Iron-Eyes-Cody


Today’s post will be a quick one, as I have a busy day…

As he does each Monday morning, Joel Silberman joined me today to talk about the embarrassment that is Meet the Press. Even though Shuck Toad is a stooge, Bernie Sanders showed why he is the only candidate of either party whose poll numbers show a net positive favorability rating!

In the second hour, Dave Johnson joined in to tell us about the shameful land grab of sacred Native American lands. To make matters worse, our government is turning the disputed lands over to a foreign corporation who plans on blowing up the land for nefarious mining purposes.

Read Dave’s article, then take action as he lays out at the end of the piece.

Sorry for the brevity. If you need to hear more, just listen to today’s show!

Tomorrow, the return of the Gliberal Goddesses, and whatever else the day brings, radio or not!