As you know if you’ve been listening to my show, I just returned from a week in Mexico where I participated in Life Source Retreat‘s Live Live on Purpose/Laws of Attraction retreat. When I say it was life changing, I mean it.

Not only was last year personally painful as I was dealing with lung cancer, the the unthinkable happened when Donald Trump was elected president. I truly was having a difficult time handling it all, perhaps because I was focusing too much on the negative and not enough on the positive. Lesson #1 I learned is that what you focus on expands. So if I’m spending my time thinking about “my cancer,” I’ll be expanding that. On the other hand, if I focus on being healthy, that’s what I’ll manifest.

Of course, that’s an over-generalization, but that’s the basis of how it works. And it does.

Obviously, I’m a novice at this, and it’s going to take conscious work to stay on this elevated vibrational plane I’ve been on since my retreat. But I figured we could all use a bit of the medicine I learned while in Tulum last week – especially after reading this article this morning:

“‘Post-election stress disorder’ sweeps the nation

Wally Pfingsten has always been a news junkie. But since President Donald Trump was elected, he’s been so anxious about the political tumult that even just having the TV news on in the background at home is unbearable.

“It’s been crippling,” said the 35-year-old San Mateo, Calif., resident and political moderate who has supported both Democratic and Republican candidates in the past. “I feel angry, really, really angry, far more angry than I expected to be.”

He’s tried hard to quell his anxiety. First, he shut down his Facebook page to limit his exposure to the daily soaking of news from Washington. But not knowing the goings-on made him anxious, too. He found himself sneaking onto the Facebook account he made for his dog. “I felt like I was cheating,” he said.

Pfingsten is not alone in his politics-induced anxiety — it’s so common it’s been given an unofficial name: Post-Election Stress Disorder. Mental health professionals around the country, especially those working in Democratic strongholds, report a stream of patients coming in with anxiety and depression related to — or worsened by — the blast of daily news on the new administration.

In the past, therapists say it’s been fairly uncommon for patients to bring up politics on the couch. “It is big money to talk about politics with me ― that is not what we do!” said Maria Lymberis, a psychiatrist in Santa Monica, Calif.

But that was before “fake news,” “alternative facts,” “repeal and replace,” contested confirmations, travel bans, protests and suits over travel bans, suspicions about Russian influence and the departures of the acting attorney general and the new national security adviser. Among other things.

Keep reading this article

So, I invited my dear friend Michele Clark, the founder of Life Source Retreats, on the show today to give us all some tips on how to not only get through the next four years, but how to take care of ourselves and even make the world a better place in the process!

I promised I’d post the video I produced for Michele back in 2012, marking 15 years of her amazing Sunset Sessions series , so here it is… Enjoy!